A Marketer’s Guide to Boosting Client Business with WiFi Marketing

When you tell a prospect about the customer data collection that is possible with a WiFi marketing platform, you may get a blank stare.

The person will be thinking, “How is that going to help me get more customers?”

A quick and easy way to grow their marketing database, as compelling as that is, can be dramatically undervalued by business owners with weak marketing instincts. They may overlook the direct impact that collecting customer data can have on their business.

WiFi marketing is unique, however. A reseller can succeed by deemphasizing the service’s primary selling point, customer data collection, instead, focusing on the business-boosting ways to which WiFi marketing can be applied.

In this article, we’ll look at how WiFi marketing’s capacity to address a client’s most pressing business objective can be a greater selling point than the data collection that drives the approach. We’ll examine several specific objectives that brick-and-mortar businesses might have and explain how WiFi marketing can help clients meet those objectives.

WiFi Marketing Pivots on Client Objectives

WiFi marketing can help your client collect and use customer data, with people’s real names, email addresses, birthdates, and social patterns being employed to conduct automated loyalty campaigns.

As compelling as that value proposition is, collected customer data will not mean much to many business owners. Even if you spell out some of the high-level benefits that come with growing the client’s marketing database, like the ability to retarget customers after they leave, that concept may be one step removed from the client’s primary focus, and you’ll need to connect the dots for them.

Find out the client’s marketing objective—in every case, there’s a way that WiFi marketing can be part of the solution, all while building the client’s marketing database.

Next, we’ll look at some of the marketing objectives that business owners often have and explore how each one can be met with guest WiFi and WiFi marketing.

Client Marketing Goals that WiFi Marketing Hits Dead Center

Practically any type of brick-and-mortar location can benefit from WiFi marketing, with some business categories being especially suited to the approach, specifically, businesses where people wait or spend time, like restaurants, gyms, hotels, etc.

In establishments like that, there are common marketing objectives that can be met by leveraging guest WiFi. Let’s look at five general marketing objectives that clients may have in their sights and delve into how WiFi marketing can help hit the bull’s eye.

Create Real-Time Engagement

When customers gather and connect to your client’s WiFi network, something magical can happen.

Imagine a sports bar running a holiday promotion. Customers, drawn in by the promotion, connect to guest WiFi, with some responding to the bar owner’s request for a Facebook “Like”, and others jumping on the client’s branded Twitter hashtag. A social media buzz breaks out. More people arrive. Those who can’t make it to the party wish they could.

Situations like that are made possible with WiFi marketing, and the benefits go beyond the increased sales from one customer get-together. The communal bonding that occurs can be memorable for all involved and will leave a lasting desire to repeat the experience.

There are many ways that a business owner can create a feeling of community among their customers. The sense of sharing an event with others can be triggered when guests use social media in real-time, and, as the proprietor of the business, your client will be included in the group experience. There are immediate benefits and those that come later when the client reaches out with loyalty marketing campaigns to a newly acquired custom audience.

Drive Customer Behavior

WiFi marketing can steer the actions of your client’s customers. When a business owner has a specific action that they want customers to take, their guest WiFi network can be the key to making it happen.

Let’s say, a client wants customers to watch a video that’s proven to generate conversions. By presenting it as part of the network login process or by embedding a link to the content in a post-log-off message, they can get more people to view the video.

WiFi marketing resellers may even wish to seek prospects that have a hard-to-achieve marketing goal, like rolling out a new mobile app, for example.

A business with that particular goal might be a bigger fish than some agencies are used to targeting, but that’s a good thing—larger companies have a big marketing budget and will be receptive to any idea that will get customers using their app as fast as possible. By linking to a mobile app on the customer’s branded WiFi splash screen, perhaps highlighting a discount that’s available only to app users, the client can see app downloads take off.

Whatever your client’s goals are in terms of driving customer behavior, WiFi marketing can make them easily attainable.

Present Offers, Coupons, Contests, and Lead Magnets

An effective draw for new and past customers is an opportunity to save money, as with a discount coupon or limited time offer. Sometimes a softer approach is called for, with a business owner using contests and giveaways as lead magnets.

All those things convert prospects and increase loyalty, and it’s possible to automate and optimize them with WiFi marketing.

Clients can drive WiFi traffic directly to custom branded landing pages while their customer is still on-site. Collected customer data can be used to push targeted campaign messages that are timed perfectly based on customer behavior.

When an agency that sells guest WiFi and the associated marketing services shows a prospective client how effective WiFi marketing can be in creating visibility for their offers and lead magnets, both the agency and the client are at the doorstep of increased revenue and rapid growth.

Bolster Brand Reputation by Spurring Great Reviews

When your client’s visitors log off the guest WiFi network, that’s the perfect time to send them a little thank you message. Such a message can, by expressing sincere gratitude, encourage loyalty and initiate a lasting relationship with the customer.

That’s huge, but it’s not even the most valuable thing about this sort of post-visit outreach. The thank you message is really a chance to solicit a review!

Brick-and-mortar businesses of all types live and die by their Yelp, Google, and TripAdvisor reviews. WiFi marketing is amazingly effective at getting customers to leave a great review, partly because it allows for highly targeted messages that are timed perfectly to align with a recent positive experience the customer had with the client’s business. The request to write a review can be sent right after the customer logs off guest WiFi or days later, via email perhaps.

With guest WiFi, clients can request that visitors review the business at the moment they’re most likely to comply.

Get Customer Feedback Digitally

It happens to businesses of all kinds at some point—sales figures plateau and growth slows down. Something needs to change, whether it’s in the business’ marketing strategy or the offering itself. In many cases, the best way to find out what needs to change is by asking the customers.

Through surveys, a business can update their understanding of what their customers expect and what additional products or services they’d like. It’s also easy to slip in some questions that will help create a more accurate profile of customers.

But for a survey to be effective, it must be completed by a large number of customers, and the old way of achieving that, which involved comment cards, doesn’t work anymore. Customers tend to ignore paper comment cards.

With WiFi marketing, clients can solicit customer feedback using what has become the only viable format, a brief online survey. Exercising the inherent flexibility of WiFi marketing, the request for feedback can be automated, precisely targeted, timed to maximize customer response, and presented with an offer that will entice the recipient to complete the survey.

Checking Off Clients’ Goals Brings New WiFi Marketing Business

To generate business for your agency, you’ll have to prove your ability to generate business for your clients. Each of your prospects will have marketing goals in mind, with one goal sitting firmly at the top of their priority list. When you show them that WiFi marketing can help meet that objective, you’ll land a new client.

If real-time customer engagement is the client’s aim, you have a solution. WiFi marketing can spawn social “Likes” and shares while customers are on the premises, which can draw the attention of other customers on-site and that of people who may want to join in.

If your client wants to get customers to consume a specific piece of content, become aware of a discount, leave a review, or fill out a survey, their guest WiFi network can be the key to making it happen.

Remember, you don’t have to tell the client everything that WiFi marketing can do. Pointing out the straight-line connection between WiFi marketing and the client’s primary business goal is often a more effective sales strategy than singing the praises of collected customer data and automated marketing processes.

Explore More About WiFi marketing

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2 thoughts on “A Marketer’s Guide to Boosting Client Business with WiFi Marketing”

  1. If a town wants to place outdoor WiFi access points along a street, all the email addresses and names would belong to the town, right? But local businesses on that street can place ADS … for example, customers can be sent to a LANDING PAGE where several restaurants have box ads. If someone is eating outside one of those restaurants, they can tap the box ad and find out what the specials are …. or even see the menu.

    I’m mentioning this because some restaurants are now allowed to do patio dining outside the restaurant and are using paper menus and online menus to be safe (covid-19).

    I am trying to figure out how to price all this before offering it to a town. I know the Mayor of a town this would be perfect for. What are your thoughts?

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