Use MyWiFi with Zapier
Integrate with over 1,000 3rd-party apps using Zapier.
MyWiFi + Zapier. Better together.
Automate Everything!
Using our Zapier integration, you can automate literally everything for your Guest WiFi users by setting up one-time, multi-step and recurring Zaps to trigger automations based on any rules you can imagine.
In-App or On Zapier
You can set up Zaps either directly within the MyWiFi Automation tool, or directly from Zapier for more flexibility using our direct API connection.
Popular Zapier Automations
About Zapier
Zapier | The easiest way to automate your work
Connect the apps you use everyday to automate your work and be more productive. 1000+ apps and easy integrations – get started in minutes.
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Use Cases
Link your web apps with a few clicks, so they can share data.
Pass info between your apps with workflows called Zaps.
Build processes faster and get more done—no code required.
Integrate Zapier with MyWiFi
See why MyWiFi Networks makes Zapier better.